Should You Visit Cappadocia – The Hot Air Balloon Paradise?

Cappadocia, known as the ‘Land of Beautiful Horses’ is famous for its majestic sunrises. The city was declared a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1985 and is worth a trip. If you are planning to visit Cappadocia, expect geographical wonders, a landscape filled with hot air balloons and surreal cave hotels! 

Hot Air Ballooning Turkey can help you plan your trip so you make the most of it! We’ve tried answering most of the questions that we frequently receive from our travellers in this blog. But feel free to write to us at

History of Cappadocia’s Landscape

Cappadocia offers a magnificent geographical terrain which has given this region a unique identity. It is primarily a plateau located at the north of the Taurus mountains in Turkey. The region was formed over 60 million years ago as a result of the continuous erosion of the solidified lava from Mt Erciyes, Mt Hasan, and Mt Gullu.

A series of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes led to tens of meters of thick deposition of the lava in the region. Research suggests that it solidified with time. Wind and water worked their way in to form fairy chimneys, pillars, and mushrooms that are as high as up to 130 meters. Thus, this is how it looks today:

View of Cappadocia, Turkey from a hot air balloon. It shows hot air balloons and the geographical terrain of Cappadocia.

Top Six Things-to-do In Cappadocia

Cappadocia is one of the most sought after tourist destinations of Turkey. Thanks to its favourable weather conditions, the region hosts tourists all year long! While winters attract Japanese and Asian tourists, summers are popular with Europeans, Americans and Russians.

According to the Turkish Ministry of Tourism, 2019 witnessed a total of around 3.8 million tourists – the highest in Cappadocia. Wondering what they all must have done here? Look no further! We have curated a list of things you MUST do while visiting Cappadocia:

1. Cappadocia Air Balloon Rides

If you visit Turkey and you don’t experience a hot air balloon ride; you, our friend, are bound to come back (trust us, it is that gorgeous)! The region offers stunning aerial views and golden sunrises. It is once in a lifetime experience for many.  As you fly gently over the fairy chimneys, cave hotels and gorgeous churches, you are left spellbound.

Imagine this: Opening a bottle of local wine mid-air, and relishing the rising sun and the unfiltered crisp air. We promise you unforgettable memories! Can’t argue why Cappadocia is travellers’ and photographers’ favourite city.

Feeling excited already? You can book a flight here with us NOW. 

2. Goreme Open Air Museum 

This is home to the hidden caves and churches. It features the Dark Church, Chapel of St Basil, Chapel of St Barbara, Apple Church, Snake Church etc. These churches have paintings dating back to 1000 years and therefore, serve as a wonder to art lovers.

3. Devrent Valley 

The valley is famous for its camel-shaped rock formation. Many other rock formations entice tourists to run their imagination and find various animal shapes. Therefore, the valley is fondly known as the imagination valley. Although there’s no local transport to take you to the valley, we can arrange for suitable transportation within your budget.

4. Avanos Pottery Workshop

Turkey has served as home to early human life forms and pottery has seen a great deal of evolution. Neolithic pottery remains found in the region suggest that early human life began in the prehistoric ages around 3000 BC.

Avanos is famous for its terra-cotta industry. You can join a workshop and learn the ancient art of pottery making, or just watch the local craftsmen creating magic with clay. Also, there are various souvenir shops you can buy gifts from.

5. Whirling Dervishes Ceremony

Cappadocia offers quiet evenings with mystical performances showcasing Sufism. This ceremony is usually an hour long and takes place in the evening. During the Whirling Dervishes ceremony, the artists sing Sufi songs and swirl to their music. They believe that this activity helps them connect with God.

If you appreciate the music and dance forms of art, you will love these magical performances!

6. Selime Monastery:

A hidden gem of the region, this monastery is a result of cutting a giant rock creating various rooms. It is the largest monastery of Cappadocia and boosts its historical relevance with proofs of past civilisations. It also has a non-functional Church that you can visit.

Visiting the monastery and imagining a life that existed as early as the 8th Century is bound to give you goosebumps!

How To Book A Trip To Cappadocia

View of Cappadocia City

Turkey is more than what meets the eye and Cappadocia is a world heritage site for a reason. You will fall in love with its unique geographical terrain! Our clients enjoyed staying in cave hotels and the hot air balloon rides while appreciating the sunsets and the sunrises. 

Length Of The Trip

We offer packages starting from 1night/2days to 3nights/4days. Our recommendation: Plan at least 3 days for a true experience. 

Best Time To Visit Cappadocia

All year round! Depends on whether you enjoy taking trips in Summer or Winters. Luckily, Cappadocia has favourable weather throughout the year. Majority of our clients visit Cappadocia to celebrate their special occasions and to spend the Christmas holidays. 

How to Book Your Trip

You can book your trip with Hot Air Ballooning Turkey. Booking with us is easy. You can book directly on our website, call us at +90 5327730916 or write to us at 

We have an experience of 15+ years and will make your that you have a memorable experience. We go the extra mile to understand your interests and plan your trip accordingly. For instance, if you enjoy wine tasting we can include a visit to a local vineyard after your hot air balloon ride which will be full of surprises!

So, should you visit Cappadocia? Absolutely! We can’t wait to book your trip to Cappadocia. 

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