What Are The COVID-19 Safety Protocols During Winters In Cappadocia, Turkey?

We’ve been offering Hot Air Balloon rides in Pamukkale and Cappadocia, Turkey for the past 15 years. The holiday season is always special with tourists flocking in to witness a snow-covered Cappadocia. As per reports published by EY, the country has seen a 57.5% decline in the tourism industry (highest in Europe) owing to the COVID 19 pandemic.

We have thrown some light on how Cappadocia feels in winters. We’ve also compiled a list of mandatory guidelines shared by government agencies to ensure your safety. Book a trip with Hot Air Ballooning Turkey by sending us an email at info@hotairballooningturkey.com or simply visiting our bookings page.

What Does Winter In Cappadocia, Turkey Feel Like?

Cappadocia, Turkey in snow

Due to the geographical location of Cappadocia, the region experiences cold winters. Cappadocia receives a good deal of snow every year, so you can expect everything hidden under the white snow blanket! The snow-capped caves and rock formations make the place look no less than the moon’s surface. 

Who Should Visit Cappadocia, Turkey In Winters?

Winters are usually a hit among ski lovers as you can head out to Erciyes for a mountain ski tour. But remember, hot air ballooning takes place only if the weather conditions are favorable.

The snow-capped chimneys and rocks make for a brilliant aerial view. Imagine this: The morning sun’s reflection on the white snow. It looks like nature has spread golden syrup for miles at length! Who wouldn’t want to experience this?

What To Expect From Turkish Architecture?

Turkish architecture is usually colorful with dark red and aquamarine taking the front row. With everything covered in white, the architecture stands out. This is especially a good time for tourists who relish art and architecture in a different light. 

While the top of the establishments are covered in snow, the chimney pillars usually retain the natural color of the stone. It is a delight to watch this contrast! 

What About Turkish Food In Winters?

Turkish cuisine is one of the most famous cuisines worldwide. Turkish Baklava is almost synonymous with Turkish sweets. The cold weather gives tourists a reason to enjoy local feasts and acknowledge the local produce. 

Can You Enjoy Local Experiences In Winters?

Cappadocia, Turkey is also famous for its cave paintings inside the churches. Another unique experience is – pigeon farming. While farming, the pigeon droppings are used as manure. This results in the finest wines of the region. If you enjoy local experiences, you’ll love the local wine and bread in Cappadocian winters. 

Safety Protocol While Traveling To Turkey

Following are the guidelines issued by the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEiK) and Ministry of Culture and Tourism:

Before You Travel

  1. Get a COVID test (3 days before the travel) and carry your COVID negative report with you at all times.
  2. Ensure all travel documents/ approvals are in place.
  3. Avoid getting close to people who are ill or prone to illness before you travel.
  4. If you feel uneasy or have any symptoms of cough, cold, or fever please cancel your bookings/ postpone your trip. Also inform the local health authorities.

During Your Travel

  1. Wash your hands frequently.
  2. Avoid touching your face, nose, and eyes.
  3. Avoid touching metal surfaces installed at public spaces like staircase railings, metal doorknobs at public toilets, etc.
  4. Keep your face covered with a mask at all times.
  5. Keep a minimum distance of around 6 feet in public spaces.
  6. If you are taking public transport, you should consider wearing a PPE suit and a face shield.

Government Facilities At Airports

  1. There is contactless security at the airport with thermal body scanning and temperature check.
  2. Authorities sanitise all luggage using the UV technology.
  3. The authorities isolate sick passengers at arrival. Next, these passengers take COVID tests.
  4. Private hospitals identified by the Ministry of Health- Border Health Unit, admit all COVID positive passengers.
  5. The passengers pay for all the tests.
  6. International passengers don’t need to quarantine unless you test positive or show any symptoms.
  7. If positive, travellers will be hospitalised. 

For more in length protocols, you can read here

Summary Of Safety Protocols During Winters In Cappadocia, Turkey

Hot Air Ballooning Turkey is aware of the decline in the number of travellers this year. We pray and hope that the pandemic situation gets better soon. As life moves on, we can assure you that we are taking all the necessary measures to ensure your safety. Additionally, the airports are equipped with competent medical staff to take care of you. 

Book a safe trip with us and let us show you what Cappadocia, Turkey looks like in winters! We will try our best to offer you the true experience of Turkey.

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